Sep 4, 2010


here i will share about my precious experience...^^

it's all about my internship in Aiesec Ateneo de Manila, Philippines
for HIVE project...

I came here with my partner Allevia..
we came together from Indonesia..
we took AirAsia for flight..

The journey began on 9/3
Our departure from Indonesia was running well
arrived in KL at 10.45

Then we took a bus to KL central to meet and have a look around with Belinda, Fikri and Sanz.. (they were ex-Trainee in Indonesia several months ago)
we're really enjoy the trip...:)

Then after walking around KLCC,pasar seni,China Town, etc...
we came back to LCCT for breaking fasting...

Then we spent the night in the Airport together..

Then in the early morning of sept,4th
we had to check in for the flight to philippines...
before flight, i met with retno (jijek), adel, and kk lani..
they just arrived from India..
huhu, miss them so much..

After sharing with them, we have to leave...
we got in to the airplane at 7.25
then arrived in Clark at 11.20...
almost 4 hours in the airplane..

Philippines people were so kind and friendly..
They're pleased to help any foreigner..:)
i feel comfortable with them...:D

When the first time i came out the airport, i saw a public transportation like "angkot" in Indonesia..
But, it has a unique and antique style...
weww, it called "geepney"
I never took a geepney here, but maybe one day i will..:)
But I think "angkot" is more comfortable..

okay,, return to the journey...
from airport to Manila, we took a bus
named "PhilTranco"
it takes 2 hours for arrival in Manila city
we dropped at Mega Mall, because the manager of Aiesec here will pick us there...

Almost 1 hour waiting..
because there was some miscommunication..
but, it's okay
Ishi and eddie tried hard to do their best..
they were very kind and friendly...:)

Then, they bring us turn around Manila
come to see Ateneo,, and find some food..
And finally, come to the Trainee house that we will live in...^^

Now,, I'm gonnal tell you about our house...

the first time i come in, i was shocked by the dog yelling..
then when we come into the house, OMG...
it was so untidy...!!

Butthe house is quite nice with the complete facilities..
we have WiFi here, televition, refrigerator, gas burner, fan, air conditioner, rice cooker,and enough water..
so lucky..^^

Then, we came to our room
we cleaned up and tidy up the room and our staff
and make it comfortable...:)

After that we take a bath..
and become Fresh!!
Then, we have a meal when maghrib coming..
we break our fasting
"actually i'm not fasting for this week,,;)"

several hour after having dinner, some one was coming!!

she was Julia..
the first trainee we meet here..
she was very beautiful and friendly..
smart also..
i like her so much...^^

we spent the night by sharing together...
it was fun..
But at 10 a.m she has to go for a party with her friend who also come from Austria..
she invite us, but we're still tired actually..
so we don't come with her to the party...

And then,, yahh...
we just spent the night by chatting and calling our family in Indonesia..
so happy to hear their voice and looking at them in the video..

I go to bed at 1 a.m

that's all my first day in philippines...

1 comment:

  1. Waw.. great journey..
    Jadi inget pas di Malaysia dulu, hehehhe...
    Ihik ihik...

    Thanks Ipit for being very cooperative EP, makasih udah mau bersabar, makasih untuk mau mengerti dan menerima keadaan..
    Semua yg kamu dapatkan karna kerjasama kita, dan yg lebih penting lagi karna kesabaran kamu dan karna keikhlasan kamu menerima...
    That's what I love the most for being Exchanger, damn I love what I doing..

    Semoga disana kamu mendapatkan experience yg tak terlupakan ya pit..
    If you have problem just send me email ok??
    Can't wait for the next story...
    GBU dear..
