Sep 6, 2010


i didn't post any experience yesterday..
yaa, it's because i was so tired last night...

i just wanna tell you that yesterday was a great day..
i got a new friend from Germany,
Patric poeschel..
he just arrived at 2 p.m
welcome patric...^^

then, at 4.30, we have a meeting with OC team of HIVE-project at Ateneo de Manila University...

Finally,, i met them...:)
it's really nice to know them...

the meeting was over at 6.00 p.m
so, we decided to have a dinner together..

After having dinner, we went to the super market..
we bought some of the needs for several days, like milk, rice, bread, pasta, cereals, vegetables, etc...

in the supermarket, we got a free cup of coffee..

After arriving at home, we found Enri (a trainee from chuna) was packing his staff!
ouhh,, he wanna go back to China...
so, spent the night together..
the last night with him..
so sad...T_T

we also planned for our trip to Cebu this weekend
corwyn managed it so well
we have booked the ticket for flight!
Yahh,, can't waiting too long for that wonderful trip...^^

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