Sep 22, 2010


heyy all!!!
so sorry for being absent for almost 2 weeks...

there are a lot of experience i've got in these 2 weeks..

sept 9:
"malam takbiran"

huhu,,i missed this moment..
you know, it's hard to find a mosque in manila city...
that's why i can't find "takbiran" moment here..
so sad..T_T
But, fortunately i have a really good friend here..
they tried to make me better..
we went to a wonderful place and having dinner together..
the place was really good!
i can see all manila views from there..
really nice....:)

sept 10:
"eid mubarak"

it was a pity that i can't celebrate this moment with my parent..:'(
but i feel the experience!!
i went to the only mosque in manila
it was in quiapo
but, unfortunately,, we were late...:(
we can't join id pray
but otherwise, we were very happy to see many moslem there...:)

"ateneo vs feu"

we went to watch basket ball match in araneta colasioum
it was a really2 big event here!!!
we were supporter for ateneo!!
but unfortunately we loose the game..:(

"trip to cebu!"

natalia,patric,allevia,corwyn and I will have a vacation..
we have a trip to cebu!!!
it's a wonderful place to visit in philippines!

we went to many tourism here..
white beach, palaksama beach, and waterfall in moalboal
and the last day, we went to bohol island...
river boat lunch,chocky hills,tersier,phyton,and some other place...
it was really fun and amazing!!!

sept 16,17,18,19

3 of us have to be hospitalized because of dengue...:'(
they were julia,sven, and patric...
it was so sad...
natalia,corwyn and I have to visit them every day and take care of them...
thanks God, we're healthy..
But corwyn has to leave, back to china on saturday..
so sad...:'(
allevia also has to leave to indonesia because of dengue...:'(

Sept 20:
"end of dengue and the session!!!"

yeayy,,finally patric,sven,and julia free from dengue!
really glad to know that..:D

and,, at night..
natalia and I have to be speaker for a session in ateneo!
whoo,,it's my first experience..
little bit nervous at the beginning but really satisfied in the end...:)

Sept 21:
"bad day"

it wasn't good at all...:(
i was stolen because of my fault..
shit! :(

Sept 22:
"time to work!"

natalia and I went to have meeting with someone about our project..
and now,,we got a new house!!
this is my first night here..
i hope it could be nice...^^

hoaaahm,, okay..
that's all...

see you in another episode!!

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